Ed from Lancaster, Pennsylvania / USA sent me some pictures of his 1977 De Rosa steel-frame bike! Thanks a lot.
There's a little story behind Ed´s the De Rosa:
I had spotted an older red De Rosa on ebay that I was interested in (late 60's or early 70's). At the same time, I spotted the pictures of the one I ended up buying on ebay Italy. The pictures weren't very good, and I was informed that there were no heart cutouts anywhere on the bike (bummer). I put in a big bid on the red De Rosa and lost. Then I got pictures of the blue one from the seller, which were just good enough to tell it had the earlier pressed lugs. So I agreed upon a price with the seller and purchased it. It arrived in the US in the smallest box I've ever seen for a complete bike, exquisitely packed and swathed in bubble wrap and crepe paper, like an Egyptian mummy. It was the best packing job I've ever seen. As I unwrapped it, a job that took some time, I of course found the two heart cutouts in the bottom bracket (as well as the distinctive concave seatstay caps.) The seller had sent me the shipping invoice so that I could track the package - the shipper was listed as "Alberto Masi" and the address for the famous Vigorelli in Milano was indicated. The ebay seller confirmed that Alberto was in fact the real seller, as the ebay seller had simply provided the listing. It was right before Alberto had the big "open house" at the Vigorelli, and perhaps he was clearing some space before hosting that event. I don't think it was one of Alberto's personal bikes, but one of probably many that had come to roost at the Vigorelli over the years.
2 Kommentare:
What a beauty!
Great story too.
That type seatstay caps was used fo rone-two years only,rather rare...
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